
Online Group Therapy and Peer Support

Our online program helps teens and young adults ages 12-25 overcome mental health challenges, build resilience, and develop the life skills needed to navigate through life successfully.

Call us to start Summer T.I.M.E. (therapeutic intensive motivational experience) healing!

How Summer T.I.M.E. Can Help


Healing Online Group Therapy


Empowering Life Coaching


Supportive Virtual Tutoring 

Who Summer T.I.M.E. Can Help

Teens and young adults experiencing:



Communication Issues


Low Self Esteem

Motivational Issues

Relationship Issues

School Issues

Other Mental Health Issues

What to Expect

Teens and young adults can expect to participate in various online skill-building activities designed to strengthen their mental health and prepare them for college or the future. Young people will participate in:

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    Mindfulness and DBT Skills

    Peer support and expert-led groups on emotional regulation, mindfulness, executive functioning, and awareness

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    Social Skills Practice

    Develop social skills that help navigate relationships, build confidence, and encourage positive self-talk.

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    Group Therapy

    Experiential focused groups run by leaders specializing in navigating challenging social, emotional and academic situations. Program runs three hours per day, two to four days per week.

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    Academic Tutoring

    Private pay 45-minute sessions focused on subjects of interest with robust lesson plans with an experienced Special Education teacher. *Must be enrolled in our full program for enrollment in virtual tutoring.

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    Life Coaching

    Work with various experts across therapy modalities, Special Education teachers, and behavioral coaches.

Teen in online group therapy program says hi to peers in life coaching and skill building during Summer T.I.M.E. program.

Healing Online Services

  • Virtual Tutoring

  • Group, (optional) Individual, (optional) Family Therapy

  • Peer Support Life Coaching

Teen and mom in online group therapy and life coaching program talking to therapist.
Teen in online group therapy and life coaching Summer T.I.M.E. program says hi to therapists and peers.

Summer T.I.M.E. Program Benefits

  • Online Skill Building

  • Nurturing Therapists

  • Flexible Care


Parent and teen use the refer a client form at Embark Behavioral Health to help an adolescent with mental health issues.

Start Healing This Summer